References for: assesses

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links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
assesses - The effect of a thing on a target was interrogated in some assay. A relationship between some perturbing agent (usually a chemical compound) and some target entity, where the affect of the perturbing agent on the target entity was interrogated in a particular assay. The target might be a particular protein, tissue, phenotype, whole organism, cell line, or other type of biological entity.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
assesses - The effect of a thing on a target was interrogated in some assay. A relationship between some perturbing agent (usually a chemical compound) and some target entity, where the affect of the perturbing agent on the target entity was interrogated in a particular assay. The target might be a particular protein, tissue, phenotype, whole organism, cell line, or other type of biological entity.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
assesses - The effect of a thing on a target was interrogated in some assay. A relationship between some perturbing agent (usually a chemical compound) and some target entity, where the affect of the perturbing agent on the target entity was interrogated in a particular assay. The target might be a particular protein, tissue, phenotype, whole organism, cell line, or other type of biological entity.
Tobias Kuhn