References for: decreases_response_to

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links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
decreases response to - holds between two chemical entities where the action or effect of one decreases the susceptibility of a biological entity or system (e.g. an organism, cell, cellular component, macromolecular machine mixin, biological or pathological process) to the other
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
decreases response to - holds between two chemical entities where the action or effect of one decreases the susceptibility of a biological entity or system (e.g. an organism, cell, cellular component, macromolecular machine mixin, biological or pathological process) to the other
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
decreases response to - holds between two chemical entities where the action or effect of one decreases the susceptibility of a biological entity or system (e.g. an organism, cell, cellular component, macromolecular machine mixin, biological or pathological process) to the other
Tobias Kuhn