References for: editor

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Nanopublication Part Subject Predicate Object Published By Published On
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editor - editor of a compiled work such as a book or a periodical (newspaper or an academic journal). Note that in the case of publications which have a containing "published in" node property, the editor association may not be attached directly to the embedded child publication, but only made in between the parent's publication node and the editorial agent of the encompassing publication (e.g. only from the Book referenced by the 'published_in' property of a book chapter Publication node).
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
editor - editor of a compiled work such as a book or a periodical (newspaper or an academic journal). Note that in the case of publications which have a containing "published in" node property, the editor association may not be attached directly to the embedded child publication, but only made in between the parent's publication node and the editorial agent of the encompassing publication (e.g. only from the Book referenced by the 'published_in' property of a book chapter Publication node).
Tobias Kuhn