References for: has_side_effect

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links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
has side effect - An unintended, but predictable, secondary effect shown to be correlated with a therapeutic agent, drug or treatment. Side effects happen at normal, recommended doses or treatments, and are unrelated to the intended purpose of the medication.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
has side effect - An unintended, but predictable, secondary effect shown to be correlated with a therapeutic agent, drug or treatment. Side effects happen at normal, recommended doses or treatments, and are unrelated to the intended purpose of the medication.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
has side effect - An unintended, but predictable, secondary effect shown to be correlated with a therapeutic agent, drug or treatment. Side effects happen at normal, recommended doses or treatments, and are unrelated to the intended purpose of the medication.
Tobias Kuhn