References for: regulates

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regulates - A more specific form of affects, that implies the effect results from a biologically evolved control mechanism. Gene-affects-gene relationships will (almost) always involve regulation. Exogenous/environmental chemical-affects-gene relationships are not cases of regulation in this definition. Instead these would be captured using the 'affects' predicate, or possibly one of the 'interacts with' predicates depending on the nature of the interaction.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
regulates - A more specific form of affects, that implies the effect results from a biologically evolved control mechanism. Gene-affects-gene relationships will (almost) always involve regulation. Exogenous/environmental chemical-affects-gene relationships are not cases of regulation in this definition. Instead these would be captured using the 'affects' predicate, or possibly one of the 'interacts with' predicates depending on the nature of the interaction.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
regulates - A more specific form of affects, that implies the effect results from a biologically evolved control mechanism. Gene-affects-gene relationships will (almost) always involve regulation. Exogenous/environmental chemical-affects-gene relationships are not cases of regulation in this definition. Instead these would be captured using the 'affects' predicate, or possibly one of the 'interacts with' predicates depending on the nature of the interaction.
Tobias Kuhn