Latest Nanopublications of Type: Knowledge-representa...

Full type identifier:

 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources Knowledge-representa... FER

 Shapes Constraint Language Knowledge-representa... FER

 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 TXT | text file Knowledge-representa... FER FAIR-Specification FAIR-Supporting-Resource

 DDI XML | DDI 3.2 XML Schema Knowledge-representa... FER

 WAV | Waveform Audio File Format Knowledge-representa... FER FAIR-Specification FAIR-Supporting-Resource

 MP3 | Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3 Knowledge-representa... FER FAIR-Specification FAIR-Supporting-Resource

 eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Knowledge-representa... FER

 SKOS | Simple Knowledge Organization System Knowledge-representa... FER FAIR-Specification FAIR-Supporting-Resource Semantic-model

 EXIF 3 | Exchangeable Image File Format version 3 Knowledge-representa... FER

 EXIF 2 | Exchangeable Image File Format version 2 Knowledge-representa... FER

 Delta Lake Knowledge-representa... FER

 Apache Iceberg Knowledge-representa... FER

 Apache Parquet Knowledge-representa... FER

 RDF-XML | XML syntax for RDF Knowledge-representa... FSR

 FAIR-enabling resource: MOD | Metadata for Ontology Description and publication Ver 2.0 Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 Turtle Format Knowledge-representa... FER

 N-Triples format Knowledge-representa... FER

 DDI Controlled Vocabularies Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 R File Format Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 SAS File Format for the SAS Statistical Analysis System Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 IBM SPSS Statistics Data File Format Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 Stata Data File Format (.dta) Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 CSV File Format Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 HTML: The HyperText Markup Language Knowledge-representa... FER

 Jinja Template Engine Knowledge-representa... FER

 Javascript Object Notation Language for Linked Data Knowledge-representa... FER

 OWL | Web Ontology Language Knowledge-representa... FER

 JSON-LD | JavaScript Object Notation for Linking Data Knowledge-representa... FER

 JSON | JavaScript Object Notation Knowledge-representa... FER

 RDFS | Resource Description Framework Schema Knowledge-representa... FER

 NetCDF | Network Common Data Form Knowledge-representa... FER

 Crossref (DOI) Authentication-and-a... Knowledge-representa... FER Registry Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema Provenance-model Identifier-service Metadata-preservatio... Semantic-model

 REFI-QDA Standard Knowledge-representa... FER

 REFI-QDA Standard Knowledge-representa... FER

 Text Encoding Initiative Knowledge-representa... FER

 NetCDF OceanSITES Knowledge-representa... FER

 E57 Lidar Point Cloud Data Format Knowledge-representa... FER

 STL File Format Knowledge-representa... FER

 Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Knowledge-representa... FER

 Portable Document Format (PDF) Knowledge-representa... FER

 JPEG File Format Knowledge-representa... FER

 Tag Image File Format (TIFF) Knowledge-representa... FER

 SALURBAL FAIR strategy Authentication-and-a... Knowledge-representa... FER Registry Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema Provenance-model Identifier-service Communication-protocol Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 American Standard Code for Information Interchange Knowledge-representa... FER Provenance-model Communication-protocol Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 American Standard Code for Information Interchange Knowledge-representa... FER Communication-protocol

 IUPAC Standard InChI-based Representation of Mixture Composition Knowledge-representa... FER

 IUPAC Standard InChI-based Representation of Chemical Reactions Knowledge-representa... FER

 IUPAC XML-based Standard for Thermodynamic Property Data Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema

 IUPAC Machine Accessible Periodic Table Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 IUPAC Adsorption Information File Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema

 IUPAC Adsorption Information File Knowledge-representa... FER Structured-vocabulary

 IUPAC SMILES+ Specification Knowledge-representa... FER

 Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules Knowledge-representa... FER

 IUPAC XML-based Standard for Thermodynamic Property Data Knowledge-representa... FER

 IUPAC Standard for FAIR Data Management of Spectroscopic Data Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 IUPAC Solubility Metadata Schema for Chemical Systems Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema

 International Chemical Identifier Knowledge-representa... FER

 RDF | Resource Description Framework Knowledge-representa... FER

 CIF Test Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 ODV_ASCII | Ocean Data View ASCII format for marine datasets Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 DwC-A | Darwin Core Archive Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 JSON Schema | JavaScript Object Notation Schema Knowledge-representa... FER Structured-vocabulary

 XMLS | eXtensible Markup Language Schema Knowledge-representa... FER

 CKAN | Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 SKOS|Simple Knowledge Organization System Knowledge-representa... FER

 LifeWatch Italy core ontology Knowledge-representa... FER Data-schema

 Parthenos ontology Knowledge-representa... FER Data-schema

 BigOWL ontology Knowledge-representa... FER Data-schema

 AiiDA Ontology Knowledge-representa... FER Structured-vocabulary

 AnaEE Thesaurus Knowledge-representa... FER Structured-vocabulary