Latest Nanopublications of Type: SuperPatternInstance

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 A regulatory element within the first intron of FTO affects IRX3 and IRX5 expression during early adipogenesis DataScience SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range increases performance of non-native species RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 absence of enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species in its non-native range has smaller value than number of enemies of invasive species in its native range RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species has smaller value than number of enemies of native species RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by specialist enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by generalist enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 transport to non-native range decreases number of enemies RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 adaptation in response to enemy release in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 changed richness and abundance of enemies in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 reduced per capita effect of enemies on species in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

 over principal ideal domains, flat modules are exactly torsion-free modules SuperPatternInstance

 In the context of all things of type scholarly submission and reviewing workflow, things of type application of nanopublications can generally have a relation of type enables to things of type fully machine-interpretable result and review that are in the same context (i.e. scholarly submission and reviewing workflow). SuperPatternInstance

 In the context of all things of type scientific finding, things of type application of the super-pattern can generally have a relation of type enables to things of type formal representation that are in the same context (i.e. scientific finding). SuperPatternInstance

 In the context of all things of type scholarly communication, things of type application of unified and semantic publication model based on nanopublications can generally have a relation of type increases to things of type effectiveness that are in the same context (i.e. scholarly communication). SuperPatternInstance

 In the context of all things of type peer review, things of type application of Linkflows reviewing model generally have a relation of type enables to things of type fine-grained representation of review comment that are in the same context (i.e. peer review). SuperPatternInstance

 In the context of all scholarly communication, things of type application of Semantic Web principles and nanopublications can generally have a relation of type increases to things of type efficiency that are in the same context (i.e. scholarly communication). SuperPatternInstance

 absence of enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range increases performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species in its non-native range has smaller value than number of enemies of invasive species in its native range SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species has smaller value than number of enemies of native species SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by specialist enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by generalist enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 transport to non-native range decreases number of enemies SuperPatternInstance

 adaptation in response to enemy release in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 changed richness and abundance of enemies in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 reduced per capita effect of enemies on species in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 tests SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 social Example SuperPatternInstance

 absence of enemies in the exotic range positively affects invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range positively affects performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species in the invaded range has smaller value than number of enemies of invasive species in the native range SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by specialist enemies in the non-native range positively affects invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by generalist enemies in the non-native range positively affects invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species has smaller value than number of enemies of native species SuperPatternInstance

 transport to exotic range negatively affects number of enemies SuperPatternInstance

 Social security affects poverty. Example SuperPatternInstance

 Harrison in the sentence "Incidentally,next time you see Chester,scold him a) for not writing to me b) for not answering Harrison's cable." could be identified as Harrison Birtwistle. SuperPatternInstance

 Harris in the sentence "Incidentally,next time you see Chester,scold him a) for not writing to me b) for not answering Harrison's cable." could be identified as Harrison Birtwistle. SuperPatternInstance

 in humans, headache is mostly caused by dehydration SuperPatternInstance

 machine learning generally requires data wrangling SuperPatternInstance

 Provenance data expressed by the model as an indicator of the source of the contradiction between different claims SuperPatternInstance

 Obesity when accompanied by metabolic abnormality is closely associated with knee osteoarthritis. SuperPatternInstance

 Strong static magnetic fields change the cell cortex in dejellied fertilizable stage VI Xenopus lavis oocytes. SuperPatternInstance

 NGLY1 deficiency is a novel autosomal recessive disorder of the ERAD pathway. SuperPatternInstance

 Triples in the OpenBiodiv knowledge graph releases are generally semantic triples extracted from biodiversity literature. SuperPatternInstance

 When talking about biodiversity data, licenses with a non-commercial clause generally inhibit data reuse. SuperPatternInstance

 Glycocalyx bulk mechanically drives integrin clustering in cancer cells engaged with the extracellular matrix SuperPatternInstance

 In the context of Digital Humanities research, usage of the Linked Data Scopes ontology contributes to transparency of the research. SuperPatternInstance

 Pharmacogenomics-guided clopidogrel strategy represents a cost-effective treatment for patients undergoing PCI SuperPatternInstance

 The cortex size of humans does not relate to their social group size SuperPatternInstance

 Sometimes Vitamin A targets are the same as genes associated with CAKUT SuperPatternInstance

 Adherence of a dataset to the FAIR Guiding Principles enables its automated discovery. SuperPatternInstance

 Adherence of a dataset to the FAIR Guiding Principles enables its automated discovery. SuperPatternInstance

 Obesity when accompanied by metabolic abnormality is closely associated with knee osteoarthritis. Example SuperPatternInstance

 Mutations in STX1B are associated with epilepsy SuperPatternInstance

 Mutations in STX1B are associated with epilepsy SuperPatternInstance

 Glycocalyx bulk mechanically drives integrin clustering in cancer cells engaged with the extracellular matrix SuperPatternInstance

 The latest release of the OpenBiodiv knowledge graph contains semantic triples extracted from biodiversity literature SuperPatternInstance

 A regulatory element within the first intron of FTO affects IRX3 and IRX5 expression during early adipogenesis SuperPatternInstance

 The protein TDP-43 represses cryptic exon inclusion in the gene UNC13A. SuperPatternInstance

 the protein TDP-43 generally contributes to the transcription of STMN2 in human motor neurons SuperPatternInstance

 Sonic hedgehog signalling pathway is an essential regulator of astrocytes development. SuperPatternInstance

 the protein TDP-43 generally contributes to the transcription of STMN2 in human motor neurons SuperPatternInstance

 Obesity when accompanied by metabolic abnormality is closely associated with knee osteoarthritis. Example SuperPatternInstance

 Obesity when accompanied by metabolic abnormality is closely associated with knee osteoarthritis. Example SuperPatternInstance Example SuperPatternInstance

 strong static magnetic fields change the cell cortex in dejellied fertilizable stage VI Xenopus lavis oocytes SuperPatternInstance

 Obesity when accompanied by metabolic abnormality is closely associated with knee osteoarthritis. Example SuperPatternInstance

 The OpenBiodiv knowledge graph contains semantic triples extracted from biodiversity literature SuperPatternInstance

 Licenses with a non-commercial clause generally inhibit re-use of biodiversity data. SuperPatternInstance

 Every thing of type adherence to FAIR Guiding Principles that is in the context of a thing of type dataset can have a relation of type enables to a thing of type automated discovery that is in the same context (i.e. the same dataset). SuperPatternInstance

 Pharmacogenomics-guided clopidogrel strategy represents a cost-effective treatment for patients undergoing PCI SuperPatternInstance

 Pseudo-repeats in doublecortin contributes to microtubule stabilization SuperPatternInstance

 Dysregulation of sonic hedgehog signaling causes hearing loss in ciliopathy mouse models. SuperPatternInstance

 Sonic hedgehog signalling directs patterned cell remodeling during neural tube closure. SuperPatternInstance

 Sonic hedgehog signalling pathway is an essential regulator of astrocytes development. SuperPatternInstance

 In the context of Digital Humanities research, usage of the Linked Data Scopes ontology contributes to transparency of the research. SuperPatternInstance

 The cortex size of humans does not relate to their social group size SuperPatternInstance

 A regulatory element within the first intron of FTO affects IRX3 and IRX5 expression during early adipogenesis SuperPatternInstance

 Increased glycocalyx bulk mechanically drives integrin clustering SuperPatternInstance

 Obesity when accompanied by metabolic abnormality is closely associated with knee osteoarthritis. Example SuperPatternInstance

 NGLY1 deficiency is a novel autosomal recessive disorder of the ERAD pathway. SuperPatternInstance

 the protein TDP-43 represses cryptic exon inclusion in the gene UNC13A SuperPatternInstance

 RAnQ_in3Uv SuperPatternInstance

 RAjWJPOyuW SuperPatternInstance

 RAZNNb-V0p SuperPatternInstance

 RAxIKXWvcf SuperPatternInstance

 RAo-RdGNiU SuperPatternInstance

 RAcTXuK48k SuperPatternInstance

 RAQfbW8QGu SuperPatternInstance

 RAKuJT59fU SuperPatternInstance

 RAKz3F-aJs SuperPatternInstance

 RA-KyzY4XH SuperPatternInstance

 RAfT3sXfb8 SuperPatternInstance

 RAyrWSFzhK SuperPatternInstance