
Full identifier: https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqpey37Hy1HieHhwTwV7Yq77XzTx9sxhRnes-0#objtaxon

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Minted in Nanopublication

 Helictopleurus perpunctatus Balthasar, 1963 (species) - ICZN subjective synonym - Helictopleurus vadoni Lebis, 1960 (species) NOMEN_0000017 BiodiversityDataJournal Biodiv OrganismTaxonToOrgan... comment approve/disapprove edit as derived nanopublication create new with same template

This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#association This association links an association to its second taxon https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/subject refers to This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#subjtaxon the subject taxon concept .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#association This association links this association to its first taxon https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/object refers to This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#objtaxon the object taxon concept .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type is a a nanopublication that is in some way related to the topic of biodiversity https://w3id.org/kpxl/biodiv/terms/BiodivNanopub nanopublication related to biodiversity .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#author-list This author list This relation links a sequence/list to its element at position 1. http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_1 has at position 1 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1938-6105 Michele Rossini .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication date and time when the nanopublication was created http://purl.org/dc/terms/created was created on (this is a literal) "2024-07-01T10:58:24.266Z" .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the assertion template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromTemplate was created from the assertion template http://purl.org/np/RAf9CyiP5z... RAf9CyiP5z .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template http://purl.org/np/RAA2MfqdBC... RAA2MfqdBC .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template http://purl.org/np/RABngHbKpo... RABngHbKpo .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template http://purl.org/np/RAR40PzxS9... RAR40PzxS9 .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template http://purl.org/np/RAh1gm83Ji... RAh1gm83Ji .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template https://w3id.org/np/RA5R_qv3Vs... RA5R_qv3Vs .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template https://w3id.org/np/RAIabr2sRV... RAIabr2sRV .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template https://w3id.org/np/RA_JdI7pfD... RA_JdI7pfD .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... This nanopublication the nanopublication consists of an introduction of the given resource http://purl.org/nanopub/x/introduces introduces This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#association association .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#sig sig http://purl.org/nanopub/x/hasSignatureTarget has as target This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp... this nanopublication .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/bdj/np/RALws3Dyqp...#sig sig http://purl.org/nanopub/x/hasAlgorithm has the algorithm (this is a literal) "RSA" .




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